Do you look in your wardrobe and have nothing to wear? Do you feel confident wearing the clothes you wear? Have you ever wondered who made your clothes?
The film “The True Cost” changed my life. Seeing the impact that swiping my credit card, in a clothes shop in Canada, had on a woman living in Bangladesh, India or China for example, shocked me. I could not ignore the “made in Bangladesh” label and the astonishingly low price tag. What I didn’t realise was that in caring who made my clothes and shopping differently I'd find fashion freedom.
Watch THE TRUE COST trailer and I’ll see you back here afterwards.
* The garment industry is the second most polluting industry after the oil industry. *
Picture the fast fashion store: the “fashion finds from $5.99” signs, the “new in” banners and the low, low price tags. As the film’s title suggests these prices do not reflect the true cost; the impact on local water supplies, garment workers health, the tonnes of clothes that end up in landfill each year as we become bored with perfectly good clothes.
* The average American generates 82lbs of textile waste each year. *
Five ways to quit fast fashion and find fashion freedom:
1.Ask yourself what your unique style is? What do you love wearing?
2. Tweak your clothes and your relationship with clothes. Wear what you love. Be you!
3. Before you shop, ask: “Do I need this?” Imagine only having clothes you love, it is possible.
4. Seek ethical brands, like Heidi The Artist !
5. Create a capsule wardrobe: items that mix and match and work together. Buy quality and buy less, after all you can only wear one outfit at a time!
*Stats: The True Cost movie.
Joanna Runciman writes at ActualOrganics.com
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